Ecco un nuovo brano dall’album “Almost Alice“, contenente pezzi di diversi artisti tutti ispirati all’atteso film di Tim Burton, “Alice in Wonderland“. E’ il turno di Kerli, con “Tea Party”, enjoy!
Qui tutta la tracklist di “Almost Alice”
1. Avril Lavigne – “Alice (Underground)”
2. The All-American Rejects – “The Poison”
3. Owl City – “The Technicolor Phase”
4. Shinedown – “Her Name Is Alice”
5. All Time Low – “Painting Flowers”
6. Metro Station – “Where’s My Angel”
7. Tokio Hotel and Kerli – “Strange”
8. 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch – “Follow Me Down”
9. Robert Smith – “Very Good Advice”
10. Mark Hoppus with Pete Wentz – “In Transit”
11. Plain White T’s – “Welcome to Mystery”
12. Kerli – “Tea Party”
13. Franz Ferdinand – “The Lobster Quadrille”
14. Motion City Soundtrack – “Running Out of Time”
15. Wolfmother – “Fell Down a Hole”
16. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals – “White Rabbit”
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