Tutti i film in concorso al Sundance Film Festival 2011
Sundance Film Festival 2011
Il Sundance Film Festival è nato nel 1978 e si è affermato come il principale festival del cinema indipendente, sia per quanto riguarda gli USA che il panorama cinematografico internazionale. Quest’anno troveremo anche un po’ d’Italia con “I baci mai dati” di Roberta Torre, ma la lista dei film è davvero vasta, per cui non ci dilunghiamo, date un’occhiata voi stessi! Sundance Film Festival 2011U.S. Dramatic Competition Another Earth (Director: Mike Cahill; Screenwriters: Mike Cahill and Brit Marling) Benavides Born (Director: Amy Wendel; Screenwriters: Daniel Meisel and Amy Wendel) Circumstance / U.S.A., Iran (Director and screenwriter: Maryam Keshavarz) Gun Hill Road (Director and screenwriter: Rashaad Ernesto Green) HERE (Director: Braden King; Written By: Braden King and Dani Valent) Higher Ground (Director: Vera Farmiga; Screenwriters: Carolyn S. Briggs and Tim Metcalfe) Homework (Director and screenwriter: Gavin Wiesen) The Ledge(Director and screenwriter: Matthew Chapman) Like Crazy (Director: Drake Doremus; Screenwriters: Drake Doremus and Ben York Jones) Little Birds (Director and screenwriter: Elgin James) Martha Marcy May Marlene (Director and screenwriter: Sean Durkin) On the Ice (Director and screenwriter: Andrew Okpeaha MacLean) Pariah (Director and screenwriter: Dee Rees) Take Shelter (Director and screenwriter: Jeff Nichols) Terri (Director: Azazel Jacobs; Screenwriters: Patrick deWitt) The Untitled Sam Levinson Project (Director and screenwriter: Sam Levinson) U.S. Documentary Beats, Rhymes and Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest (Director: Michael Rapaport) BEING ELMO: A Puppeteer’s Journey (Director: Constance Marks) Buck (Director: Cindy Meehl) Connected: An Autoblogography about Love, Death & Technology (Director: Tiffany Shlain; Screenwriters: Tiffany Shlain, Ken Goldberg, Carlton Evans and Sawyer Steele) Crime After Crime (Director: Yoav Potash) Hot Coffee (Director: Susan Saladoff) How to Die in Oregon (Director: Peter D. Richardson) The Last Mountain (Director: Bill Haney; Screenwriters: Bill Haney and Peter Rhodes) Miss Representation (Director: Jennifer Siebel Newsom; Screenwriters: Jennifer Siebel Newsom and Jessica Congdon) Page One: A year inside the New York Times (Director: Andrew Rossi; Screenwriters: Kate Novack and Andrew Rossi) The Redemption of General Butt Naked (Directors: Eric Strauss and Daniele Anastasion) Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles (Director: Jon Foy) Sing Your Song (A film by Susanne Rostock) Troubadours (Director: Morgan Neville) We Were Here (Director: David Weissman) If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (Director: Marshall Curry) World Cinema Dramatic Competition Abraxas / Japan (Director: Naoki Kato; Screenwriters: Dai Sako and Naoki Kato) All Your Dead Ones (Todos Tus Muertos ) / Colombia (Director Carlos Moreno; Screenwriters: Alonso Torres and Carlos Moreno) The Cinema Hold Up (Asalto Al Cine) / Mexico (Director: Iría Gómez Concheiro; Screenwriters: Iria Gómez Concheiro and Juan Pablo Gómez) A Few Days of Respite (Quelque Jours de Repit) / Algeria, France (Director and screenwriter: Amor Hakkar) The Guard / Ireland (Director and screenwriter: John Michael McDonagh) Happy, Happy (Sykt Lykkelig) / Norway (Director: Anne Sewitsky; Screenwriter: Ragnhild Tronvoll) Kinyarwanda / Rwanda, USA (Director and screenwriter: Alrick Brown) Lost Kisses (I Baci Mai Dati) / Italy (Director: Roberta Torre; Screenwriters: Roberta Torre and Laura Nuccilli) Mad Bastards / Australia (Director: Brendan Fletcher; Screenwriters: Brendan Fletcher in collaboration with Dean Daley-Jones, Greg Tait and John Watson) Restoration (Boker Tov Adon Fidelman) / Israel (Director: Yossi Madmoni; Screenwriter: Erez Kav-El) The Salesman (Le Vendeur) / Canada (Director and screenwriter: Sébastien Pilote) Ticket to Paradise (Boleto al Paraiso) / Cuba (Director: Gerardo Chijona Valdes; Screenwriters: Gerardo Chijona Valdes, Francisco Garcia Gonzalez and Maykel Rodriguez Ponjuan) Tyrannosaur / United Kingdom (Director and screenwriter: Paddy Considine) Vampire / Canada, U.S.A. (Director and screenwriter: Iwai Shunji) World Cinema Documentary Competition An African Election / Switzerland, U.S.A. (Director: Jarreth Merz) The Bengali Detective / India, U.S.A., United Kingdom (Director: Phil Cox) The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 / Sweden, U.S.A. (Director: Göran Olsson) Family Portrait in Black and White / Canada (Director: Julia Ivanova) The Flaw / United Kingdom (Director: David Sington) The Green Wave (Irans grüner Sommer) / Germany (Director: Ali Samadi Ahadi) KNUCKLE / Ireland, United Kingdom (Director: Ian Palmer) Position Among the Stars (Stand Van De Sterren) / Netherlands (Director: Leonard Retel Helmrich) Project Nim / United Kingdom (Director: James Marsh) Senna / United Kingdom (Director: Asif Kapadia; Screenwriter: Manish Pandey) Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure / Australia, U.S.A. (Director: Matthew Bate) Hell and Back Again / U.S.A., United Kingdom (Director: Danfung Dennis)